弹性联轴器是一体成型的金属弹性体,通常由金属圆棒线切割而成,常用的材质有铝合金、不锈钢、工程塑料,适合于各种偏差和精确传递扭矩。弹性联轴器含有预压橡胶的弹性化合物,可提供额外强度,延长使用寿命。轮毂材质为高强度铝合金,既轻巧又防腐蚀。 其中橡胶成分主要用于减震,使动力传输流畅、安静,从而保护驱动力以及驱动机器。弹性联轴器运用平行或螺旋切槽系统来适应各种偏差和精确传递扭矩。
Elastic coupling is a metal elastic body that is integrally formed, usually cut from metal round bars. Commonly used materials include aluminum alloy, stainless steel, and engineering plastics, which are suitable for various deviations and precise torque transmission. The elastic coupling contains an elastic compound of pre pressed rubber, which can provide additional strength and extend its service life. The wheel hub material is high-strength aluminum alloy, which is both lightweight and corrosion-resistant. The rubber component is mainly used for shock absorption, making power transmission smooth and quiet, thereby protecting the driving force and driving machines. Flexible Couplings use parallel or spiral groove systems to adapt to various deviations and accurately transmit torque.